
A historical introduction to the Center
- Establishment: The Center for Training, Learning and Consultation was established by Decision No. 2233 dated 17/4/2019. The Center started work on 1/1/2019.
- Activities of the Center: rehabilitation, learning (non-governmental education), training (refresher courses, specialized technical courses, training of college students, and contributing to the dissemination of cultural awareness in society through the holding of refresher courses).
Site: The center is located inside the Animal Health Research Institute, 7 Nadi El Seid St., Dokki, next to the Ministry of Agriculture.
Total halls: 3 halls

Message Center
To qualify, certify and train employees in all scientific and medical fields in order to develop and raise the capabilities of the trainees, which includes their duties or their functional responsibilities. The center should be a distinguished reference model in its quality and diversity of service at the regional and international level, and maintain the leadership and originality. And to provide services with high accuracy to match and exceed the requirements of the parties concerned.

Vision of the Center
Improve the classification of the Center for Training, Learning and Consulting to become the leading center in the fields of training, learning and specialized consultations in the Middle East. And to be the most focused customer center at a high level and seek to provide services at the regional and international levels.

Strategy Center
To become a leading center at the regional and international level, to work according to international quality standards and to continue to research and satisfy the needs of the local, regional and international community and to provide distinguished services and access to its prominent place locally, regionally and internationally with the commitment to local and global vision and continuous development through its counterpart and transfer of modern technology either individually or Through partnerships with others, and the optimal utilization of the potential and material and human resources available.